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Meaning of blog
Online activities has for long become an integral aspect of human existence, ranging from websites development giving a quick access to information acquisition.
Although one of the aspects of online activities that has made information accessible by users is known as Blog.
Meaning of Blog
Blog has been accorded different definition which still arrives at the same meaning.
Based on Oxford dictionary 2019 Online Edition, a Blog has been defined as (Internet) “A website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal while readers may comment on posts.”
On the order hand, Blogging is defined as An entry in a blog or the act of managing a blog.
Originally, Blog was coined out from the word “WEBLOG”.
In blog, information are arranged based on the owner’s intentions or interest.
Why do I create a blog.❓
This may be one of the FAQs which needs answers.
It’s clear that whatever one does, there is always a reason for it. Now there are so much reasons why you need to create a blog and they are outlined below.
1. It’s fun and rewarding
Blogging is fun. You get to write about things I enjoy and I meet people online who share similar interests.
Its fun because:
• go to different places and meet people
• talk to people
2. You’ll make new friends
Through blogging I have made so many new friends I wouldn’t have met otherwise. It’s kinda amazing! That Relationships might start out through it
Also in blogging you will make people who share the same interest with you an analogy is;
if you start blogging about what you like eg pizza and cupcakes you will also see pizza and cupcakes lovers, because of your common interest, you quickly form a common bond.
Blogging is a great way to meet people that share your hobbies, beliefs, values, and goals.
3. You’ll learn new things
This is clear There is no need to become a research specialist when it comes to learning. Everything you could want to know is available online. Through searching for a particular information you will discover more which can also help you.
No matter what subject you pick to write about – even if it’s you – there are new things to discover. Writing is just a way of putting your thoughts to paper. You can have an opinion, observation, or just ask questions.
4. You’ll challenge yourself
Blogging is a way to break through the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from experiencing your best life.In order words blogging is a way of actualizing your dream of writing or journalism.
If you want to remain behind the scenes and write for the pure joy of it – that’s not bad! Nothing says you have to do a road tour and meet all of your readers.
Getting to see people who read and follow up your writeup will motivate your interest in writing.
5. You can grow a business
This is clear, in blogging you will have many opportunities such as:
• Being interviewed on the radio
• Been invited to Speak at a big financial conference
• you can also be quotedvin other online publication
And these can make you grow any kind of business through the no of audience you’ve got.
6. You make money from blogging:
Yea this is true, I didn’t mention it earlier because before you earn you must work for it, money in blogging is not often on a platter of Gold, there are many opportunities to make money in blogging, that is if you don’t choose wisely you tend to loose it all.
An analogy is, People can tell in your writing if you are passionate about something. You could make a lot of money blogging about latest phones. But if you aren’t Updated on latest phones or don’t care much for phones, you’re much less likely to succeed.
You’re going to start a business that helps broke people who don’t have any money to pay you?
Yes. Because for me, the opportunities to build a profitable business extend beyond helping those who may be broke.
Blogging is a path to financial freedom. Like any other job, it will take time and effort. However being a blogger, you’re in the driver’s seat. You’re the boss. You work as much or as little as you want.
Keep reading to see the opportunities.
7. You have something to say
Yea, in blogging you will certainly find out what you are interested in, you hobbies, what you are passionate about.
This will make you have something to say! Everyone does.
Right now you might be wondering – what should I blog about? Yea it is normal for a beginner because I had the same experience too.
This is because you are not cleared of what you are passionate about.
Tomorrow I’ll give you a sure-fire way to find the one thing you’ll love to write about.
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