How to make money online through selling Online courses

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Selling services is also an awesome way of making money online it does not cost much to get started.
Digital services may include:
There are millions of people using the internet for a variety of reasons. Information, entertainment, work, and the list continues. What’s a big reason people use the internet you ask? To learn.

One of the main ways is through online courses.
web design,
health & fitness,
nutrition, and more,
Are just a handful of topics that online courses are centered around.
Online courses can be literally about anything, from:
How to create an app using Android studio
how to create a t-shirt design in Photoshop,
how to scale a business to 7 figures.
How to create a blog from scratch
The great things about creating an online course are:
After your course is created, it can generate passive income.
Constructing a course is not difficult
Online courses can be integrated into an already existing income source. Such as a website.
For example, if I have a website on fitness, I can create a course on exercising at home, and integrate that it into my website.
Your course is available worldwide via the internet with no inventory required.
In this post, we’ll be discussing how you can create passive income through online courses.
There are 3 main points when creating an online course.
Choosing a topic
Creating the course
Marketing the course
1. Choosing a topic
When choosing a topic, it should be something you’re somewhat fluent in. You DO NOT have to be an expert in what you’re teaching, but you should be able to talk about it, and explain it without issue.
Take into account something that you’re knowledgeable in, such as:
Graphic design,
construction, and more.
The first thing to pop up in your head that you’re knowledgeable in, you should use (so you don’t overthink it).
Things to take into think about when choosing a topic:
Is it evergreen?
Evergreen means it will always be in demand. Information on topics like fitness, productivity, wealth, and relationships are things that will always be in demand.
Are you knowledgeable in it?
Could you actually teach it in and have successful students?
This part of the process should not take too long, you could take a night to sleep on it. It should be easy to decide what you’re going to teach.
2. Creating the course
Depending on what you’re teaching, the way you’ll create the course will vary. But every course will need an outline. What will the topics be in each video, what information will go into each video?
Put lots of thought into this because this is what your customers will be purchasing, make it worth their time and money.
Next comes creating the content. If I’m teaching finances I might want to be recording myself writing on a white board to help my students get a visual of the lesson.
And in the next lesson I might be using a screen recorder on my computer for a certain website that my students will need. After that I might want to edit the video, and cut out clips, or add in text or annotations.
Remember that the quality of your course does not have to be expensive and professional, but it should be of the highest quality you can provide. For creating content you might need:
A camera – you can use a good cellphone camera or borrow something better.
A screen recorder – Quicktime has a screen recorder feature and is installed on most computers. If you’re teaching something like Photoshop tutorials, you’ll need a screen recorder.
This also applies if you’re using an application such as Powerpoint to teach your students.
Video editing software – there are great free ones, such as Lightworks.
A microphone – doesn’t have to be expensive, you can find some great, inexpensive ones anywhere you look.
Really take your time and plan out what you’ll be teaching
Don’t just create a course to sell it, create a course to actually provide value to your students.
It could encourage them to purchase more courses from you in the future or recommend it to others..
3. Marketing the course
Here comes the part where YOU can be making passive income.
The two easiest ways to sell your course are on:
These platforms already have traffic and loyal customers using it every day. They handle the website, transactions, and technicalities so all you have to focus on is creating a solid course.
The major cons to using Skillshare or Udemy are
The fees but it might be worth it for the advantages mentioned above.
Another con is you’ll be competing directly with other courses so you must stand out and get good reviews.
The alternative is using a platform like Teachable.
Teachable has a fixed fee so you can make more money. However, you must do the marketing and be the one that gets traffic to your course.
If you’re a beginner Udemy and Skillshare are recommended first. However, if you some online marketing experience Teachable will be more profitable for you.

Getting Started
There you have it, simply choose at topic, create the course and then market it. The steps are easy but it takes time to make a quality course.
However, the bulk of the work is done all at once, so after you set everything up correctly, you can have a true source of passive income.
This requires only a small budget and some time to create a consistent earner that requires little to no attention after being set up.
If you want a premium course builder check out Mighty Network for a free Courses
The exploding market for online courses is a lucrative opportunity for passive income. If you’ve got a skillset that you think is marketable, and the ability to communicate it effectively to others, this avenue could be perfect for you.
What is it?
Skillshare and Udemy are online platforms designed to empower people with certain skills to share those skills with those looking to learn them.
They provide an opportunity for creators to produce and upload courses that can range from video-centric to more test-heavy options, depending on your personal production skills.
The courses can then be priced, sold, rated, and shared. Successful courses on Udemy or Skillshare can rake in thousands of dollars, all by leveraging skills that their creators already have.
Who is it for?
First and foremost, you’ll obviously need a marketable skill to teach. But you’d be surprised at the wide variety of courses that do well on Udemy.
There are dozens of categories and subcategories, so you’re sure to find a niche that perfectly suits your own perfectly set of marketable skills.
But you’ll need something more than skills—you’ll need to be a skilled communicator to help people benefit from what you have to say.
If you can hold your own in front of a video camera and communicate what you know with clarity, you’ll do well.
How does it pay?
This is a difficult number to pin down, as Udemy and Skillshare earnings can range from a couple hundred dollars per year to tens of thousands each month. It all comes down to how well your course performs.
There are things you can do to increase your chances. Uploading some of your videos to YouTube and linking them back to your course, or using other marketing channels to promote your course.
Other Udemy newbies will often offer their courses for free at first to drive traffic and get ratings, before switching to a payed model once they have a bit of a reputation on the site.
As for Skillshare, the site works on a royalty system that determines how much you earn based on how many total minutes of your classes are watched.
The site says that first-time teachers tend to earn around $200 in their first month, while established teachers can earn as much as $3,000 per month.
We recommend uploading your course to both Udemy and Skillshare to get the most possible traffic.
Here is the good side
Potential for significant earnings
Uses skills you already have
No start-up costs
Here is the bad side
Can take some time to build reputation
Big initial time investment of planning, filming, and editing courses
Organic revenue is split 50/50 with Udemy.
On Skillshare, royalties are shared among the all teachers—higher view rates lead to higher earnings.
How to Get Started
First you’ll want to begin taking notes on which of your skills might be the most marketable. Head to Udemy or Skillshare to see which types of courses are doing well, or which ones have gaps that you could fill.
Udemy and Skillshare offer excellent opportunities to turn your skills and teaching abilities into cash. 
If you’re willing to put in the initial setup work, it could turn into a lucractive source of passive income.

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One response to “How to make money online through selling Online courses”

  1. Richard Chidera Avatar
    Richard Chidera

    I have always wanted to work online and make more than a physical job. Thanks for this update

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